Looking back to some memorable moments from the past workshops

Budapest in July 2024

Very spontanious and short (four days) workshop with some excellent young singers from Hungary, Romania, France, Finland ans Armenia. Happy to have had again Hans-Otto Ehrström as a repetiteur. He is working in the meanwhile for the Vienna State Opera. Incredible, that we also had time to hear La Traviata at the Hungaria National Opera as well.

June 2024 in Yerevan, Armenia

Worked some days with the talented members of the Young Artists of Armenian National Opera in Yerevan. The director Levon Javadyan (in the middle) has made remarcable work with them and wthey just needed some tips for the audition programme and style.

July 2022 in Chateau Amadé Bayzath Pappenheim in Hungary

After the difficult covid time we had an amazing workshop in the Chateau of my friend Ari Kupsus in Hungarian landscape. Although the days were hot (35-39C), it was possible to work inside in the spacious rooms of the chateau. For the first time there we organized a parallel masterclass, which was supporting the audition workshop which was helt by the renommed wagnerian soprano Kirsi Tiihonen. The special guest in the audition was Tamás Bátor from the Ungarian State Opera and Müpa concert hall.

October 2021. Amazing worksop in Moscow in the middle of pandemic!

My second workshop with the fantastic repetiteur Hans-Otto Ehrström orzanized by Polina Bakanova di Grande. The restrictions were strong and obliged us to be very careful, but we managed to test everybody and in the end nobody got sick. In the end we had about 20 participants in auditions and workshops. A warm atmosphere, which we will never forget. In the jury of the last audition we had Samuel Gelber from Washington Opera and the russian star tenor Alexey Tatarintsev giving feedback.

Järvenpää workshop in July 2021

The town of Finnish composer Järvenpää welcommed us together with the Music Institute of Järvenpää and Tuusula. It was practically a miracle, the all the participants could come to the country inspite of the pandemy. And what a workshop it became!! We enjoyed also visits of opera professionals, such as stage director Vilppu Kiljunen and the artistic director of Klaudia Taev Singing Competition Erkki Pehk, not to forget the casting director of Finnish National Opera Jaakko Kortekangas and the dramatic soprano Kirsi Tiihonen.

The 7th edition in Berlin July 2020

In spite of the covid pandemy we were able to do a reduced version of the workshop in July 2020. The venue was the Finland Center in popular Berlin Kreuzberg. In the end there were important people at the audition jury.

Havana workshop in November 2019

The Teatro Lirico Nacional was kind enough to invite Henri Maier and me to make a workshop with the talented young singers. It was very, very hot and the piano was out of tune, but the students were wonderful and eager to learn. As a special guest we had a great intendant of many opera houses and grand old man Henri Meier.

Workshops in beautiful town Chieti in Italy in 2018/19

We did not just have great team and singers, but we were overwhelmed of the hospitality of the Chieti Classic Festival and it's director Giuliano Mazzoccante (in picture). And the food....!!!

Catignano, Italy 2017

A small Italian Village near Pescara, far enough from everything for concentrating in the actual work. As repetiteur we had Ugo Dorazio from Leipzig Opera.

Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany 2014-16

The three first years the workshop found place in the beautiful jugend style villa called Villa Zsuzsa. The villa was also my home and many of our close friends helped us and visited the concerts. We had absolutely fantastic repetiteurs, such as Ville Enckelman and Anastasya Titovych. Also stage directors Pamela Recinella and Vilppu Kiljunen took care of the stage presence.

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