If you want to make a career, you need to audition

When I sang my diploma at the Sibelius-Academy for many years ago, there was nobody to tell me, what the next step would be. Now I can say, that it was maybe my destiny, since I became a passionate opera agent and teacher, but what, if it had turned another way.

Success means hard work!

We always hear stories about somebody becoming a star over night. I don't believe those stories. All the succesfull singers, I have met, have worked very much to become that, what they are. The ones who are the most succesful are the hardest workers. Auditioning technique is just one skill, which you must have, but without that, it will be difficult to make a career.

There are no bad singers, just wrong roles

I believe, that every singer can become succesful, if he just finds his/her perfect role or roles. Sometimes it takes years to find your own repertoire and mostly it needs somebody else to help you with it. That's exactly what I like to do, and do the best. Let's find together your best roles and arias.

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